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St. Lawrence
Food Pantry


8:30am to 10:00am

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


Weekdays and Saturdays

Saturday Vigil  4:30pm

Sunday Summer Schedule

Mass a8:00am

followed by Adoration & Confessions until 9:30am

Mass at 11:00am


Holy days of Obligation

  Vigil Mass  7:00pm

  On the Holy Day  8:00am,      

  12:00pm, and 7:00pm.
  Please view the most current    

  information via our parish
calendar page

Ministry to the Sick or Homebound

Call the parish office to make arrangements for a visit from Father (which can also include Anointing and Confession), a Deacon, or an Extraordinary Minister.  In the case of hospital stays, patient privacy laws prevent hospitals from releasing names.  Please call the office if you, or someone you know, has been admitted.

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Recitation of the Rosary


Daily after the 8:00 am Mass
(excluding Sundays)

Eucharistic Adoration


First Monday of the Month  
7:00pm - 8:00pm



Confessions are heard each Saturday from 3:30pm to
4:00pm or any time by appointment.

Parish Calendar of Events

Click the icon below to link to our Parish calendar.  



Baptisms take place on the third Sunday of each month, following the Noon Mass.  Call the office to schedule a date. First-time parents are asked to attend a Baptismal preparation class.


Engaged couples seeking to be married at St. Lawrence are asked to contact the parish office one year in advance due to the meetings needed to prepare for this Sacrament.  
This should be done before any reception plans are made.

Adult Faith Formation
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.) is a program for those who wish to become a baptized Roman Catholic, for those who were baptized in other Christian communities and wish to be received into the Catholic Church, or for those baptized Roman Catholics who would like to complete their Sacraments of initiation.

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Join the St. Lawrence Community

New parishioners are welcomed and should register by contacting the parish office.  Registration is necessary, but not enough, to be considered a practicing Catholic; regular Sunday worship is required.  Certificates of Eligibility (to serve as a Godparent or Sponsor) certify a practicing Catholic, and so can only be given to parishioners who regularly attend Mass.  Please let the parish office know of any change in contact information.

Children's Religious Education

Classes are held as follows:
Grades 1, 2 from 4 - 5:15 p.m.
Grades 6, 7, 8 from 7 - 8:15 p.m.


Grades 3, 4, 5 from 4 - 5:15 p.m.



Special Needs students 9:15 - 9:45 a.m.

Religious Education Office: Mrs. Judy Logan  732-566-0226

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